Microsoft Dynamics AX to Microsoft Dynamics 365

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Simplifying the migration process: Whitepaper


Want to shift to Microsoft Dynamics 365 but not sure how to ensure a seamless project? The white paper outlines best practices on how to make an upgrade a hiccup-free project. Explore:

  • Business challenges addressed by upgrading to Dynamics 365.
  • Split of project responsibilities between your business, your technology partner, and Microsoft.
  • In-depth upgrade assessment to help you get started.
  • Best practices for your upgrade project.
  • How to minimize your dependence on third-party software and customizations.
  • How to eliminate ERP maintenance costs and disruptive major version upgrades.

Reduced upgrade costs and accelerated rollout timelines can help fast-track your upgrade and accelerate your path to business growth and transformation.

Read Whitepaper Now!

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