Breaking Barriers: Empowering Women Globally on International Women’s Day

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In the bustling corridors of Visionet, a tribe of extraordinary women thrives. Each dawn brings with it a new challenge, a fresh opportunity to rewrite the narrative of what it means to be a woman in the modern workplace. 

On International Women's Day 2024, we are delighted to shine a spotlight on some of the remarkable women within our Visionet family who embody resilience, determination, and leadership.  

Across our offices, these trailblazers have not only excelled in their professional endeavors but have also demonstrated an unwavering commitment to fostering positive change in their communities. Through their diverse experiences and perspectives, they share insights into what empowers them, who inspires them, their advice for aspiring young leaders, and personal reflections on the significance of International Women's Day.  

Join us as we celebrate their journeys and amplify their voices in this special edition. 

Meet Angela Moran, a visionary leader, currently serving as the Director of Program Management for Europe at Visionet Systems Inc. With over 15 years of experience, Angela is no stranger to breaking barriers and driving changes. She's been instrumental in leading IT and business transformation programs, ensuring that Visionet stays at the forefront of digital solutions and services. Prior to her role at Visionet, she held significant positions including IS Director Group and UK Business Management at RSA. Her passion for resilience and well-being serves as an inspiration to women everywhere. 

What advice will you give to young girls to grow in leadership roles? 

Reflecting on my past, I remember feeling unsure and lacking confidence. Leadership roles seemed out of reach because of my shyness. Taking a gap year before college changed everything. I learned independence and discovered that hands-on learning suited me better than traditional academics. Although university was still in my plans, I realized there were other paths like apprenticeships that might have been a better fit. Throughout my journey, supportive mentors boosted my confidence. Now, I advocate for initiatives inspiring diversity and inclusion in my workplace. Women can be assertive too, despite societal labels. My advice would be to explore different paths, seek supportive environments, and embrace your voice. Confidence grows when you are heard. Your voice matters, and your perspective is valuable. Do not hold back, step into leadership roles and thrive.

Meet Maheen Noor Soomro, a dynamic leader at Visionet Systems Inc., currently serving as the Director of Human Resources for Europe, UK, and the Republic of Ireland. 

With over 16 years of global HR experience, Maheen specializes in building high-performing teams and nurturing organizational culture. Previously at Mushawar UK Ltd. and Mushawar Recruitment Solutions, she led global recruitment and HR programs, focusing on talent acquisition and wellness. As Director of HR for Europe, the UK, and Ireland at Visionet Systems Inc., Maheen played a pivotal role in launching the company in the UK and Ireland, overseeing legal, payroll, accounting, and business functions. 

What empowers you to make it happen at work and home? 

The driving force behind my work comes from two places: knowing that what I do helps the company's goals and seeing my family happy. I started working early because my family needed extra help, which pushed me to be independent as well as a contributor. Looking back, there are moments I am proud of. Once skeptical of my impact, now I have grown to be more focused and purposeful. While I still value helping others, I have learned self-prioritization as well.

What advice will you give to young girls to grow in leadership roles? 

Seize every opportunity that comes your way. I made the most of what I got. I always believed I could handle it. Even now, I am excited when a new project opportunity pops up, giving me a chance to try something new. No task is too small or big but learn to say ‘no’ when needed. Master the small pieces, and you will understand the big picture. So, take risks, embrace challenges, make time to improve your skills, and believe in the best outcomes!

How can women inspire inclusion and support one another in their learning journey? 

Empathy is the key to inclusivity. Understand people's feelings to connect and inspire them. Let others shine. As women, support colleagues facing challenges. Teaching and helping others do not diminish your own success. Instead, it enhances your experience and makes you a better leader. Everyone has their own journey, and sharing your knowledge will not hinder your own success. 

Who are the women who inspire you the most, and why? 

Every woman I meet inspires me deeply. Facing challenges like superheroes, balancing family, home, and career, it is mind-blowing! I have had the opportunity to work with a woman leader when I started working in Visionet and that proved to be very rewarding for me. There is always something to learn from her. I have never felt more capable and comfortable in my own skin. I take pride in my work and learn something new every day, not just about my job, but also about being a woman.

Meet Shobanavalli C, a skilled professional in Learning and Development (L&D), currently serving as a Senior Manager at Visionet Systems Inc. With a focus on Training Needs Identification, Training Delivery, Learning Management System Management, and People Management, Shobanavalli brings a lot of expertise to her role.  

At Visionet, Shobanavalli has made significant contributions to the company's L&D initiatives. Prior to her role at Visionet, she served as a Training Manager at Exela Technologies, where she honed her skills in designing and delivering effective training programs. 

What empowers you to make it happen at work and home? 

Women empower themselves through envisioning career growth. Mentors and role models in the workplace inspire them for excellence. True empowerment comes from reaching complete financial autonomy and pursuing interests beyond household duties fosters personal empowerment. Having the freedom to make decisions independently, without external pressure, is key to their empowerment.

What advice will you give to young girls to grow in leadership roles? 

Maintain your identity as you pursue your professional goals and do not let your job title overshadow who you are.

How can women inspire inclusion and support one another in their learning journey? 

In our fast-paced lives, it is challenging for everyone to experience everything firsthand. Therefore, learning from the experiences of others is an intelligent approach to realize our dreams. Having an open mind and a willingness to keep learning is crucial. Whenever there is a chance to learn, we should grab it. When we learn from others and share our experiences, we fuel a cycle of constant growth and improvement for everyone.

Who are the women who inspire you the most, and why? 

Two women who truly inspire me in life are my mother and my mentor, Emily. My mother is an incredible example of strength and resilience. Her wisdom and intuition have guided me through every challenge. Emily, on the other hand, has been a pivotal figure in shaping my career. As a mentor, she has provided invaluable guidance and support. From imparting essential professional skills to teaching me how to navigate office dynamics and build meaningful relationships, her mentorship has been instrumental in my growth over the past decade.

What is your personal take on IWD 2024? 

My perspective on International Women's Day 2024 is all about understanding and championing gender equality and women's empowerment. Though women have progressed since the 19th century, there is a lot more to do. We should aim high and not settle for less. Increasing women in leadership, closing the pay gap, and sharing household duties equally are vital. Let's strive for a world where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive, regardless of gender. 

Meet Radhika Shah, a seasoned professional in e-commerce technology, currently serving as a Senior Technical Manager at Visionet Systems Inc. With a rich background in solutions architecture and technical leadership, Radhika brings extensive experience in delivering optimized e-commerce platforms.  

Her expertise spans across various domains, including system upgrades, data migration, and OMS integrations. As a technology leader, Radhika emphasizes the importance of aligning technical solutions with business goals. With a commitment to staying updated with the latest trends and innovations in e-commerce, she continues to drive excellence in technology-driven business solutions. 

What empowers you to make it happen at work and home?  

 The knowledge that my voice matters, and my experiences and insights are valuable empowers me the most. Knowing that I have the support of my family, especially my mother, gives me the strength to pursue my ambitions. Additionally, being in a career where I have seen success over the years fuels my confidence and determination to continue striving for excellence.

What advice will you give to young girls to grow in leadership roles?  

To young girls aspiring for leadership roles, I would advise them to never underestimate the power of their own voices and capabilities. Believe in yourself and your potential, even when faced with challenges. Seek out mentors and role models who can guide you and offer support along the way. Embrace every opportunity for growth and learning, and do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. 

How can women inspire inclusion and support one another in their learning journey?  

Women can inspire inclusion by actively listening to each other's stories, celebrating each other's successes, and creating spaces where everyone feels valued and heard. Mentorship programs and support networks can be instrumental in fostering a sense of community and empowerment among women. By lifting each other up and advocating for one another, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone to thrive in their learning journeys.

Women who inspire you the most, and why?  

The women who inspire me the most are those who have fearlessly pursued their passions and overcome obstacles to achieve their goals. My own mother has been my greatest source of inspiration, demonstrating resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. Additionally, women leaders like Indra Nooyi, Roshni Nadar, Vineeta Singh and Falguni Nayar, who have broken barriers and paved the way for others, inspire me to continue pushing boundaries and striving for excellence.

What is your personal take on IWD 2024?  

International Women's Day 2024 holds significant importance as it serves as a reminder of the progress that we have made in advancing gender equality, while also highlighting the work that still needs to be done. It is a time to celebrate the achievements of women around the world and to recommit ourselves to empowering women and girls in all aspects of life. Let's reflect on women's historical contributions and advocate for a more inclusive future for all.

Simona Hirdea is an accomplished leader with over 18 years of experience in Retail/E-commerce, Supply Chain, Merchandising and Operations Management, IT, and Project Management. Currently serving as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Principal Consultant at Visionet Systems Inc., Simona has driven organizational growth and spearheaded transformative initiatives. As a visionary leader, she is committed to driving innovation and fostering a culture of collaboration and excellence. With a passion for empowering teams and achieving exceptional results, Simona continues to inspire women around her and lead by example in the dynamic field of technology and retail management. 

What empowers you to make it happen at work and home? 

Passion, grit and self-motivation are the primary driving forces that empower me and fuel my determination, resilience and creativity. With a strong personality, I stand for my beliefs and value integrity. I address tough issues head-on. When challenges arise, I push myself to move forward. Knowing your strengths is crucial. As a mother, I prioritize instilling core values in my son, nurturing his learning abilities, and offering unwavering support to help him cultivate self-confidence and self-esteem. 

What advice will you give to young girls to grow in the leadership roles?  

To begin with, I would say that it is important to know your strengths, talents, and inclinations. Recognizing what makes you unique and how your individuality adds to a more equitable and empowered society is essential. You must have faith in your abilities. Prioritize education, lifelong learning, and seek out mentors to guide you along the way. 

How can women Inspire Inclusion and support one another in their learning journey? 

As a leader, it is important to provide support and actively mentor the professional development of female colleagues. Whenever possible, create growth opportunities for them and establish safe spaces where they feel comfortable expressing their concerns. It is important for them to understand that their opinions matter. Foster a trusting environment where open communication and collaboration are the norm. Everyone should feel valued both as individuals and as integral members of the team. 

Women who inspire you the most, and why? 

My mother is my rock and inspiration. She taught me to stand up for my beliefs and find inner strength to overcome challenges. She taught me that faith and patience are two of the most valuable things in life. She encouraged me to embrace lifelong learning, always motivating me to improve myself and never settling for mediocrity. Above all, she taught me the importance of gratitude and selflessness, reminding me to always appreciate what I have and to also think of the well-being of others. 

What is your personal take on IWD 2024? 

I value the unique skills and viewpoints women bring to the table, which can drive organizational change, inclusion, and diversity. As a leader, I emphasize empathy, teamwork and trust. I ensure that I dedicate myself to supporting my team unconditionally. I commend Visionet for initiatives like WoV, which provide more opportunities for women within the organization to learn, grow, and succeed in their goals. I will keep pushing for a culture where people come first, fostering inclusivity and accountability for success. 

Introducing Suvarna Nikam, the Global HR Head at Visionet Systems Inc. With an illustrious career spanning over 17 years, Suvarna is celebrated for her remarkable contributions to HR strategy and design. She leads the charge in shaping people and reward practices for Visionet with its presence in over 20 countries and a workforce exceeding 4000 employees. Suvarna's visionary approach, coupled with her consultative and innovative mindset, has earned her admiration across the organization. Her ability to align HR initiatives with business objectives, drive talent analytics, and enhance employee experience sets her apart as a true leader in HR management. 

What empowers you to make it happen at work and home? 

Recognizing that I cannot excel in both roles simultaneously, I prioritize my focus for each day based on what is most important at that moment. 

What advice will you give to young girls to grow in leadership roles? 

Seize the opportunity, do not hold back, and avoid imposing unnecessary limitations on yourself. Embrace every challenge as a chance to learn and grow. Approach each task with enthusiasm and openness, knowing that every experience contributes to your journey forward. 

How can women inspire inclusion and support one another in their learning journey? 

Be compassionate, empathetic and encouraging. Treat others as you would like to be treated. 


Meet Aditi, Director of Global CoE & HR Strategy at Visionet Systems Inc. With over 12 years of experience in IT, BFSI, and manufacturing, Aditi oversees talent and organizational development globally. She leads HR, OD, and training functions, focusing on talent development and leadership programs that align with business goals. Aditi's dedication has earned her recognition, including awards like #EmergingHRLeaders at CHRO Vision & Innovation Summit 2022. She is committed to nurturing talent, fostering growth, and creating a positive employee experience to achieve impactful results. 

What empowers you to make it happen at work and home? 

Feeling accomplished, responsible, and knowing that I am making a strong impact empower and uplift me. For a fulfilling life, I believe having a balance between work and home is crucial. It is all about setting priorities and managing time well. Every day, we make choices and work towards our goals, and that is what will take us closer to the holistic and engaged life we wish to lead.

What advice will you give to young girls to grow in leadership roles? 

Do not shy away from challenges and be proud of your progress. Use your strengths and keep improving. Stay true to yourself and build your own identity. It is okay to doubt yourself, but do not let it hold you back. Stay curious, learn from feedback, and stay positive. Embrace challenges and failures as opportunities to learn and grow. Celebrate your successes and keep believing in yourself!

How can women inspire inclusion and support one other in their learning journey? 

Women support each other in various roles like mother, daughter, friend, colleague, and wife, managing both work and home. We have the power to unite and uplift each other. We should communicate effectively, offer support, and collaborate without competition. There are enough challenges and milestones in this world to make our mark. Let’s showcase our strengths and carve our own path!

What is your personal take on IWD 2024? 

This year’s International Women's Day theme, ‘Inspire Inclusion,’ means a lot to me. The spirit of inclusion is at the core of embracing diversity, driving collaboration and creating equality. We at Visionet are striving to run several impactful initiatives through our community, Women of Visionet, which celebrates our women employees and enables them to thrive in their careers. Our mentorship program connects women with global leaders, fostering growth. Let's all aim for greater inclusion, parity, recognition, and celebration not just on this day, but every day!

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19 min read

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